SharePoint search and High CPU Usage


Reason for high CPU usage :

  1. limited resources on the Search servers and front-end servers – increase memory
  2. Limit number of Search Servers
  3. Isolate content types by site/sites collections
  4. Errors on search logs
    1. broken links- why the links are broken and correct root cause, which can be permission, deleted sites….
  5. Rebuild the index
  6. create a dedicated search server that doesn’t support other SharePoint services.
  7. closed web parts, check bad web parts in central admins under health analyzer.
  8. test the content database by using test-spcontendatabase -Namae <bbbbb> WebApplicaiton <BBBBBBB>
  9. Excluded the file locations from antivirus ?
  10. Implement crawl impact rules this will help to reduce the load on the server but will increase crawl duration.
  11. Clear the config cache and restart the search services.
  12. Reduced: Total number of threads = number of processors, Max Threads/host = number of processors
  13. Move the query roles the the front end servers.

Antivirus Exclusions

Most organisations insist on running AV on every server. Even when you have a SharePoint AV solution installed, indexing will copy the file to a temporary location on the server and the local OS based AV will scan it also.

This obvious causes more cpu load (and longer time to perform a full index if every file has to be rechecked for viruses). The default temporary location for index files should of course be changed to another volume rather than c: for optimal performance.

See for other default exclusions that should be applied.

The PerformanceLevel property in the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService command specifies the relative number of threads for the indexer performance. The value must be one of the following:

Reduced: Total number of threads = number of processors, Max Threads/host = number of processors
Partly Reduced: Total number of threads = 4 times the number of processors , Max Threads/host = 16 time the number of processors
Maximum: Total number of threads = number of processors

# Write the Header line to a new CSV File (this drops it in the current directory): “Page URL, Closed Web Part Name” | out-file ClosedWebParts.csv
# Get all Webs from the Site:
#$webs = Get-SPWebApplication “http://<your URL>” | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All
# Loop through each of the Web Sites found (note: you MUST be SCA when running this!)
foreach ($web in $webs)
# Get All Pages from site’s Root into $AllPages Array
$AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”})
# Search All Folders for All Pages
foreach ($folder in $web.Folders)
#Add the pages to $AllPages Array
$AllPages += @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”})
# Loop through all of the pages and check each:
foreach($Page in $AllPages)
$webPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($Page.ServerRelativeUrl,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
# Use an array to hold a list of the closed web parts:
$closedWebParts = @()
foreach ($webPart in $webPartManager.WebParts | Where-Object {$_.IsClosed})
$result = “$($$($Page.ServerRelativeUrl), $($webpart.Title)”
Write-Host “Closed Web Part(s) Found at URL: “$result
$result | Out-File ClosedWebParts.csv -Append
$closedWebParts += $webPart
# Write the Header line to a new CSV File (this drops it in the current directory):
#“Page URL, Closed Web Part Name” | out-file ClosedWebParts.csv
# Get all Webs from the Site:
$webs = Get-SPWebApplication “http://<your URL>” | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All
# Loop through each of the Web Sites found (note: you MUST be SCA when running this!)
foreach ($web in $webs)
# Get All Pages from site’s Root into $AllPages Array
$AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”})
# Search All Folders for All Pages
foreach ($folder in $web.Folders)
#Add the pages to $AllPages Array
$AllPages += @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”})
# Loop through all of the pages and check each:
foreach($Page in $AllPages)
$webPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($Page.ServerRelativeUrl,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
# Use an array to hold a list of the closed web parts:
$closedWebParts = @()
foreach ($webPart in $webPartManager.WebParts | Where-Object {$_.IsClosed})
$result = “$($$($Page.ServerRelativeUrl), $($webpart.Title)”
Write-Host “Closed Web Part(s) Found at URL: “$result
$result | Out-File ClosedWebParts.csv -Append
$closedWebParts += $webPart
# Delete Closed Web Parts
foreach ($webPart in $closedWebParts)
Write-Host “Deleting ‘$($webPart.Title)’ on $($$($page.Url)”

resources :
SharePoint Search and Why Does It Tap Out the CPU at 100%?