Reason for high CPU usage :
- limited resources on the Search servers and front-end servers – increase memory
- Limit number of Search Servers
- Isolate content types by site/sites collections
- Errors on search logs
- broken links- why the links are broken and correct root cause, which can be permission, deleted sites….
- Rebuild the index
- create a dedicated search server that doesn’t support other SharePoint services.
- closed web parts, check bad web parts in central admins under health analyzer.
- test the content database by using test-spcontendatabase -Namae <bbbbb> WebApplicaiton <BBBBBBB>
- Excluded the file locations from antivirus ?
- Implement crawl impact rules this will help to reduce the load on the server but will increase crawl duration.
- Clear the config cache and restart the search services.
- Reduced: Total number of threads = number of processors, Max Threads/host = number of processors
- Move the query roles the the front end servers.
Antivirus Exclusions
Most organisations insist on running AV on every server. Even when you have a SharePoint AV solution installed, indexing will copy the file to a temporary location on the server and the local OS based AV will scan it also.
This obvious causes more cpu load (and longer time to perform a full index if every file has to be rechecked for viruses). The default temporary location for index files should of course be changed to another volume rather than c: for optimal performance.
See for other default exclusions that should be applied.
The PerformanceLevel property in the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService command specifies the relative number of threads for the indexer performance. The value must be one of the following: Reduced: Total number of threads = number of processors, Max Threads/host = number of processors Partly Reduced: Total number of threads = 4 times the number of processors , Max Threads/host = 16 time the number of processors Maximum: Total number of threads = number of processors
SCRIPT TO LIST CLOSED WEB PARTS ON ALL PAGES: # Write the Header line to a new CSV File (this drops it in the current directory): “Page URL, Closed Web Part Name” | out-file ClosedWebParts.csv # Get all Webs from the Site: #$webs = Get-SPWebApplication “http://<your URL>” | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All # Loop through each of the Web Sites found (note: you MUST be SCA when running this!) # foreach ($web in $webs) { # Get All Pages from site’s Root into $AllPages Array # $AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”}) # Search All Folders for All Pages # foreach ($folder in $web.Folders) { #Add the pages to $AllPages Array $AllPages += @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”}) } # Loop through all of the pages and check each: # foreach($Page in $AllPages) { $webPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($Page.ServerRelativeUrl,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared) # Use an array to hold a list of the closed web parts: # $closedWebParts = @() foreach ($webPart in $webPartManager.WebParts | Where-Object {$_.IsClosed}) { $result = “$($$($Page.ServerRelativeUrl), $($webpart.Title)” Write-Host “Closed Web Part(s) Found at URL: “$result $result | Out-File ClosedWebParts.csv -Append $closedWebParts += $webPart } } } #SCRIPT TO DELETE CLOSED WEB PARTS ON ALL PAGES: # Write the Header line to a new CSV File (this drops it in the current directory): #“Page URL, Closed Web Part Name” | out-file ClosedWebParts.csv # Get all Webs from the Site: # $webs = Get-SPWebApplication “http://<your URL>” | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All # Loop through each of the Web Sites found (note: you MUST be SCA when running this!) # foreach ($web in $webs) { # Get All Pages from site’s Root into $AllPages Array # $AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”}) # Search All Folders for All Pages # foreach ($folder in $web.Folders) { #Add the pages to $AllPages Array $AllPages += @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match “.aspx”}) } # Loop through all of the pages and check each: # foreach($Page in $AllPages) { $webPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($Page.ServerRelativeUrl,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared) # Use an array to hold a list of the closed web parts: # $closedWebParts = @() foreach ($webPart in $webPartManager.WebParts | Where-Object {$_.IsClosed}) { $result = “$($$($Page.ServerRelativeUrl), $($webpart.Title)” Write-Host “Closed Web Part(s) Found at URL: “$result $result | Out-File ClosedWebParts.csv -Append $closedWebParts += $webPart } # Delete Closed Web Parts # foreach ($webPart in $closedWebParts) { Write-Host “Deleting ‘$($webPart.Title)’ on $($$($page.Url)” $webPartManager.DeleteWebPart($webPart) } } } resources : Search and Why Does It Tap Out the CPU at 100%?