In my case the symptom was a blank page or 404 indicating that site is not accessible. i have notice though, that one server in the farm did present/serve the site. that triggered research that lead me to find a solution involving clearing the config cache. i have also open a ticket with Microsoft to make sure this is the right solution.
The config caches is stored in the program data ( hidden folder|) on the c drive.
the path : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config
follow these steps to ALL SERVERS, this is a copy of the config DB and if you won’t follow this process on all servers in your farm, you will have weird behavior on one server, which will be a nightmare to debug later.
- stop the timer service on the server
- Go to the path : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config
- sort by modified date and pick the latest folder name ( long number), not the Object Collection.
- copy it to the same location as backup
5. Go into the folder and sort it by type
6. change the cache.ini file value inside the file to 1
7. delete all the reset of the file in the folder.
8. restart the timer service.
you can do it manual or using the power shell bellow ( i haven’t tested the power-shell use in your discretion):
Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –erroraction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service SPTimerV4
$folders = Get-ChildItem C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config
foreach ($folder in $folders)
$items = Get-ChildItem $folder.FullName -Recurse
foreach ($item in $items)
if ($item.Name.ToLower() -eq “cache.ini”)
$cachefolder = $folder.FullName
$cachefolderitems = Get-ChildItem $cachefolder -Recurse
foreach ($cachefolderitem in $cachefolderitems)
if ($cachefolderitem -like “*.xml”)
}}$a = Get-Content $cachefolder\cache.ini
$a = 1
resources :
Clear SharePoint Config Cache with PowerShell
How to Fix a SharePoint 404 Error After Restoring a Content Database