- Get the user login name through AD search or by searching the user within SharePoint.
- Search user profile on the loin name
- change the claim base and ADFS instances properties
- On the Profile Manager in Central Admin, change the first name, last name, and most important Name
3. run the following power shell scripts :
get-spuser -Identity "i:0#.w|na\loginname" -Web "https://yourdomain.com" Set-SPUser -Identity ‘i:0#.w|na\loginname’ -DisplayName ‘lastname, firstname’ -Web https://site.domain.com clear $u = get-SPUser -Web https://site.domain.com -limit all | Where-Object {$_.userlogin -eq "i:0#.w|na\loginname’ "} Set-SPUser $u -SyncFromAD