After creating a new profile in storage point for a new SP site, I run the job StoragePoint BLOB Externalization, the job run successfully with no errors and reviewing the…
Category: PowerShell
SharePoint site storage/ size
You can find out the size of a SP site following these steps using SharePoint designer – on the root site information page if you have service pack 1 you…
Move SharePoint 2010 site from one content database to another
steps : Create the new content database ( Using Central Admin or PowerShell ) on the same farm and web application. move the site to the newly created content database in…
Why AD changes not reflected on user permission OR why it takes so long for changes in AD to trickle down to SharePoint security.
When you create SharePoint security groups that are associated with AD groups, the expectation may be that any change in AD will immediately be reflected on the SharePoint site. For example is…
Power Shell for Creating Site Collection
The following code allows to create a site collection with a dedicated content DB. it also sets a Managed Path if needed and the site owners. # Create a site…